I will have more to say later... but for now I will leave it at this: there's a reason the Resurrection didn't happen immediately after the Crucifixion. I think we need to deal with our initial reactions: grief, anger, revulsion. Only after we have acknowledged and felt them are we able to embrace fully the joy of the Good News. Taking time to pray first, doesn't mean that prayer is all I want to do. Taking time to learn and listen to others, doesn't mean I won't call for action. I know something needs to change, but I'm willing to wait on the Holy Spirit to direct me to what that is, exactly.
The actual PA Grand Jury report can be found here, on the Attorney General's site. It is redacted, meaning that some names or details are blocked out because of possible or ongoing litigation (I believe). Also, the report is about 300 pages long, and the rest is listing of offenders and documents that show credible information. I don't recommend printing it all out. However, the conclusion is about 12 pages long, from pages 300-313, and details their recommendations for moving forward. I do recommend printing that out, and sharing with your pastor and/or Diocesan Committee for Safe Environment and Bishop.
How we are talking to our kids (from a blogger named Mary Jo) - A lil' practical, but mostly just nice to hear from someone who isn't leaving or saying "just pray"
An Open Letter - from Alison Oertle (laywoman) - her language is a bit much for me, but the underlying sentiment is spot on.
An Open Letter from Young Catholics - various lay Catholics, both professional and parishioners, call for sincere and serious action, including an independant investigation, without challenging any existing Church teaching.
A Statement by Catholic Theologians, Educators and Lay Leaders, calling for bishops to resign.
"It's a Homosexual Problem" (read the sarcasm- this is a very good response) - by Anna Carter of Eden Invitation
- "The issue at hand in the Catholic Church is not merely one of sexual misconduct. It is a system that allowed sexual misconduct to flourish, even encouraged it at the highest levels of the hierarchy."
(side note- you'll notice I won't post links to articles that actually make this connection. Having a homosexual orientation does not make one an abuser or encourage pedophilia.)
. "The McCarrick Mess" by Bishop Robert Barron
-"Hence, I would suggest ... that the bishops of the United States—all of us—petition the Holy Father to form a team, made up mostly of faithful lay Catholics skilled in forensic investigation, and to empower them to have access to all of the relevant documentation and financial records. .... They should ask the ecclesial version of Sen. Howard Baker’s famous questions: “What did the responsible parties know and when did they know it?” Only after these matters are settled will we know what the next steps ought to be."
"A Closeted Subculture" by Eve Tushnet. She brings up a really good point: if Catholics believed what we preached about accepting gay people, we shouldn't have a problem with a gay priest. Their orientation is secondary to their celibacy.
"The Evil of Clericalism" by Nicole Trahan - an interesting take from a Marianist sister.
Fr. Richard Rohr thinks "I am not saying that celibacy causes pedophilia, but I am saying that the idealized culture of celibacy allowed it to hide there for a long time." He is a Franciscan who has studied and taught about both male initiation rites and the tasks of the second half of life.
"The Catholic Reaction to Bishops and Sexual Abuse" - a Catholic News Agency analysis from mid-August.
The John-Jay Report, officially: "the Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the USA, 1950-2010." - leaving the PDF here to read through later.
Topical books and resources from the Pastoral Center
These are from Our Sunday Visitor. Here is the link to their general page. Scroll down and look for these two webcasts:
* Note on webinars. For the first, "Crisis in the Church" - at about the 20 minute mark, he details 4 unhealthy (if natural) responses: abandoning the faith, abandoning some spiritual practices, extremism or demonization. About the 30 minute mark, he outlines what we CAN do, as a first step to responding faithfully. It's a 3 step process of "centering on the Sacred": recognizing our current limitations (what in my own spiritual practice is not up to dealing with this crisis), letting go of what doesn't work anymore, and re-centering ourselves on God (bringing God our anger, disgust and frustration, and asking what do YOU want me to do with this).
.(prayer as a first, and ongoing, step)
THE NOVENA FOR THE ABUSE CRISIS: Accountability, Transparency & Healing
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Holy Spirit, comfort us, give us clarity, and bring light to this darkness and evil.
Jesus, we trust in you.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and shares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
St. Peter, pray for the Church, that it may be re-built, healed and made holy.
St. Charles Lwanga and St. Monica, pray for the abused, the survivors and for justice.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for the reform and restoration of the clergy.
St. John Vianney, pray for the holiness of priests and bishops.
St. Benedict, pray that this evil be cast out of the Church.
St. Anthony, pray for us to find the way forward.
St. Paul, pray that bishops may be fearless in confronting other bishops.
St. Augustine, pray for true repentance and transparency.
St. Dymphna, pray for the consolation for the heartache, depression and anxiety that this evil has caused.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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