Hi. I'm Kristi, and my husband and I are cradle Catholics. I wouldn't say we're 'holy rollers'.... but we're familiar with churchy stuff. Mostly. Sort of. At least, we thought we were.
Then we had kids. Boys who don't sit still at Mass. One baby who liked to go "pffft" during the homily. Another that crawled under the pew, away from us. A toddler who has used a wall crucifix as a sword (only once, but still). He grew into a preschooler who waved at the priest he knew- during Mass. Then a Kindergartener who told us we could go to Church without him, because he didn't really need to go. And now a Second Grader, excited to go to Communion like his older friends and cousin did last year. Every week, he asks us: Is THIS the week he gets to eat with us?
So we're not perfect in any way, but we're taking religion seriously enough that we want to 'do it right'. I'm not sure what that means, exactly, or how to do it, so I've started this blog as a way to help me figure it out.
If you've got it figured out, please don't comment. But if you're working on it, like us, then comment away. Tell us what's worked with your kids- or what's failed. Share your story. We'll pray for each other, and we'll get through this. With God's grace, of course!
We've shepherded two children through sacramental prep and receiving their First Communion, and I can say with full authority...that I still don't quite know what I'm doing. We're walking the journey again with our youngest, and I'll be learning every step of the way.